The Bar

Have fun at the Bar! Click on the column titles to sort to locate the tasting you are interested in. Click on Details to dive into the musings about the product, and the world problems that we solved during the nosing…


Couple of column explanations…

  • $ FLIGHT: We created 3 cost flights (<$75, $75+, $125+) to allow for quick sorting, especially when you are reviewing Drinkability Value.
  • D.VALUE: The Drinkability Value starts with collecting scoring from each Member based on a scale of 0 to 10 – completely their personal opinion of the offering. We try to collect this before the price of the bottle is announced, succeeding in this more often then not. These scores are aggregated, then averaged based on the number of Members that night, and finally divided by the cost of the bottle. The result, a score per dollar spent, scientifically determined.

The Reviews